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Colic pain in infants and its remedies

Colic in infants is a type of pain that occurs abruptly due to which a healthy baby cries for uncertain reasons. Parents usually become clueless to solve this mystery of excessive crying and find themselves in a miserable state. There are some signs and symptoms which can help parents to identify whether their child is a colic baby or not.

Parents often prefer following home remedies, herbal medicines, traditional cures, and folk tales for comforting the baby. They avoid giving synthetic medications to their infants subconsciously. Therefore, we provide and discuss with you some good information and solutions to cure this mystical and complex riddle of colic to relieve and soothe your child through safe and natural ways.

What is Colic?

Colic pain is a persistent clinical condition in healthy infants suffering from terrible episodic crying. The research shows that it usually occurs in the evening or during early night hours lasting for more than three hours in a day, or three days a week, or more than three weeks (1).

What type of child is mostly suffered?

It naturally occurs in infants aged between two weeks to three months, while in some cases, it lasts till the age of six months. However, these colic episodes are usually at the peak when the child is about six weeks old and starts declining significantly after four months of age. It can come about irrespective of the sex of your child and birth order. In some cases, it even doesn’t matter whether your child is having breast – or bottle-feed.

What are the common signs?

The common signs and symptoms include blushing face or pale skin near mouth due to excessive crying, bending legs towards the stomach reflecting the intensity of pain, increased gas production and clinching fists as a symbol of pain control (2). Sometimes, the newborn arches his back, crankiness and burp excessively too. Moreover, the child often spits out some amount of formula or breastmilk back which marks the gas build up in the stomach. Swelled and bloated tummy can be an indication of gas entrapment in the intestines. These symptoms are observed to be variable from child to child.

What are the possible causes of colic?

There could be multiple reasons for having infantile colic but ingesting air with the feeder bottle or during breastfeeding tends to be the main culprit of colic pain. In cases of bottle or formula-fed babies, an incorrect handle on the bottle nipple allows your baby to engulf excessive air. Similarly, the extreme cries of your child fill the tummy with air and produce gas. The gas bubbles initiate painful stress in the stomach of the baby. It doesn’t resolve on its own due to the immature digestive tract of the baby.  It usually gets worst in the early night hours. Subsequently, the stomach of your little one will sound like gurgling and rumbling until the issue of gas production is resolved.

Constipation, lactose intolerance, allergic reaction towards milk protein, or any hormonal imbalance are other reasons. Light and noise sensitivity causes an increase in stimulation leading to sleep distress which is often a symptom and also a cause of colic pain. It results in the occurrence of the above-listed combined symptoms initiating a miserable cycle of events. Overall, it is the immature digestive system of the newborn still getting habitual to efficiently digest breast- or formula-milk, gas management, and stool.

How to pacify your colic baby?

Some common practices are bouncing and strolling your child softly. Soothing him by putting him on your shoulder and gently rub his back for quick burps. A soothing voice or lullaby often helps babies to calm their nerves. Any herbal remedy effective for colic pain can also provide fast relief.

Are herbal remedies effective for colic?

Herbal medicines or remedies have always been considered a popular and safe choice of the majority of people for various ailments. It’s a general perception that they are less harmful or free from side effects with a quick solution, unlike synthetic medications and drugs.

So when it comes to colic or any other child related problem, parents also seek for the quick herbal remedies and fixtures. They often go for the herbs and condiments readily available in their kitchen. They consider those tried and tested tips which they were being listening from their ancestors effective for colic.

Mint (Podina), Ginger (Adrak), cumin (Zeera) and fennel (Saunf) are some most popular carminative agents. They have been traditionally utilized to deal with the digestive disorders like nausea, vomiting, hyperacidity, gas, intestinal colic and spasms, etc. Their efficacy has also been proved from various scientific research studies (2).

One stop solution to colic!

Yes, we bring to your one-stop solution to the colic pain in your child. Digas Colic Drop, manufactured by Medics Laboratories Pvt. Ltd is a herbal formula composed of the decoctions (Arq) of the above-mentioned herbs in an appropriate ratio. This herbal formula has been prepared by keeping all the standard and safe manufacturing practices to provide a natural and effective cure to the colic.

This product has been researched extensively in standard laboratories for its effectiveness and safety among children (2). Now you don’t need to rush or panic when your child is crying excessively from colic at night. Just keep Digas Colic Drop at your home to avoid any inconvenience and forget the trauma of a sleepless night.


  1. Wessel MA, Cobb JC, Jackson EB, Harris GS, Detwiler AC. Paroxysmal fussing in infancy, sometimes called” colic“. Pediatrics. 1954;14(5):421-35.
  2. Roome T, Qasim M, Farooq AD, Ilyas Q, Aziz S, Ali SF. Antispasmodic activity and mechanism of action of polyherbal formulation DCD-684 on rabbit jejunum. Pak J Pharm Sci. 2021;34(2(Supplementary)):711-22.

Written By : Maha Qasim