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Are you suffering for Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)?

What is Premenstrual Syndromes (PMS)?

Unfortunately, it’s been observed that talking and discussing about Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) considered as a taboo and most of the women feel hesitated or uncomfortable to discuss it with anyone and therefore do not seek for any medications and health advise which tends to affect their health greatly. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a common state in which women experience changes in their emotional, behavioral and physical health usually before the start of the menstrual period.

Signs and symptoms

About 90 percent of menstruating women experience the symptoms of PMS. There are numerous signs and symptoms for PMS but, the majority of the women experience the problems of tender breasts, mood swings, fatigue, changes in appetite or food cravings, anxiety, bad temper, crying spells, depression, irritation, sleeping difficulty, or insomnia.


Three out of four menstruating women are estimated to experience minimum symptoms of PMS. They appear to be visible five to eleven days before menstruation and naturally resolve once menstruation begins. But in some cases, it happens in the early days of menstruation too. Its exact cause is still unknown. It’s been believed by many researchers that changes in serotonin and sex hormones including estrogen and progesterone levels during certain phases of menstrual cycle tends to relate with PMS which are the possible causes of anxiety, mood swings and frustration, hunger, emotions, and thoughts. Different parts of our brain are modulated by the release of ovarian steroids which are closely associated with the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Don’t worry because an appropriate treatment and modifications in the daily routine can enable women to handle and minimize the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Lifestyle and Remedies

The only way to cope up with the symptoms of PMS is to modify the daily lifestyle including eating, sleeping and physical habits. Few simple tips can lead you to manage this infuriating issue

Modify your diet

  • Drink good amount of water to ease abdominal bloating
  • Frequent and small meal portions will help reduce the bloating and fullness.
  • Minimize salt content in your diet to reduce the water retention and bloating
  • Eat calcium-rich foods via dairy products and other sources in your diet or by taking calcium supplements. Research studies proves that in taking helps reducing mood disorders, pain, anxiety, depression, emotional changes and water retention during PMS.

Incorporate exercise into your regular routine

Employ yourself in at least 30-40 minutes of physical activity including exercise, brisk walking, cycling, swimming or other physical activity on daily basis. It will not only improve your overall health but also alleviate certain symptoms of PMS including fatigue and a depressed mood.

Reduce stress

  • Take good hours of sleep will help in relaxing the fatigue, anxiety and nervousness.
  • Try to relax your body muscles by doing deep-breathing exercises, yoga or massage which will relieve your stress and may decrease the magnitude of headaches and sleeplessness (insomnia).

Herbal medications

It’s been observed that women often avoid synthetic and allopathic medicines like hormonal contraceptives, anti-serotonins, and anti-depressants when it comes to their gynecological health to avoid unnecessary side-effects. More or less women report relief from the symptoms of PMS with the use of herbal remedies available in their kitchen which are believed to be good for relaxing menstrual cramps, nausea and fatigue. However, very few studies have proved the effectiveness of these herbs for the relief of PMS. Moreover, herbal remedies are not standardized and regulated by FDA so their safety, effectiveness or dose cannot be guaranteed.

Considering all these pain points of every woman, we brought to you FC Forte which is an herbal formula developed especially for women to provide comfort from menstrual cramps and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

FC Forte is made with a gentle blend of well-known medicinal herbs from traditional medicine, backed by science for relieving PMS symptoms such as cramps, bloating, stress and fatigue to

support women’s natural hormonal balance. It is composed of following herbs:

Mint reduces spasms providing relief from menstrual cramps.

Indian Madder is a valuable herb from Unani and Ayurvedic system of medicine and has been used to treat irregular menstruations.

Fennel is effective in reducing the severity of menstrual cramps.

Therefore, we suggest you to start taking this safe herbal formulation with zero side-effects before the onset of PMS symptoms (usually 10-5 days before the start of menstruation). This could help women suffering from PMS to manage their pains and discomfort associated with PMS and to lead an active and healthy routine life which is usually compromised during these days.


Written By : Maha Qasim